Starting in the winter of 2016, JLC members conducted a thorough community needs assessment to identify and prioritize critical local issues that needed additional support in the Greater Cincinnati Community. After learning from nonprofit and business leaders what the needs were, the League initiated a request for proposal process. This RFP to partner with the JLC was issued to the public based on the results of the community needs assessment. Proposals were required to address the most pressing needs identified, and had to align with the mission of the JLC. After several rounds of review and a vote by JLC membership, the decision was made to partner with Tidal Babe Period Bank, a sister company to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank. 


Partnership Quickfacts:

Total Volunteer Hours:

3,000+ hours volunteered

Funds Committed Annually:


Partnership Years Committed:

3 Years

Partnership Outcomes:

JLC volunteers have made significant contributions to Tidal Babe Period Bank throughout the multi-year partnership. Volunteer activities have included:

    • Leading and participating in period supply kits wrappings and filling orders for partner agencies
    • Organizing period supply drives supported by League members
    • Transporting period supply kit donations
    • Planning and organizing several fundraising events
    • Assisting with filling orders for Tidal Babe Period Bank
    • Planning and volunteering at events, including: 2018-2019 Bottoms Up for Babies Happy Hour, the 2019 National Diaper Bank Conference, the SCDB Annual Gala, and hosting the JLC’s annual Family Volunteer Day at Sweet Cheeks. League members were excited to support Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank in the successful participation in the National Diaper Bank Network Conference, which was held in Cincinnati in October 2019

League efforts are now focused on developing a plan to ensure the success of Tidal Babe Period Bank after the partnership ends, guaranteeing that those who menstruate across Cincinnati have access to the supplies they need.